Thursday, January 26, 2012

Raccoon Removal Options For Home Owners

1:43 PM
By Adriana Noton

Raccoon removal options for home owners are minimal. The proper removal of Raccoons from a home leave many home owners with multiple options but each with critical factors to consider before deciding on the best solution. Removing raccoons will require certain procedures that in the end may or may not work on them, each situation is different.

Yard damage as well as outdoor property damage is usually the end result of having raccoons. However like all animals they are always on the search for meals and raccoons love to go through your garbage can in order to find it. Sadly their damages are not contained to a homes exterior property but will look for entrance into your home. These pests can gain entry into your home by force if necessary, resulting in costly damages to the exterior of your home.

Once they are in your home the damage will continue as they make themselves comfortable inside an attic or wall. Once they have entered and established themselves in your attic you can expect them to damage and use your insulation as a toilet. You can also expect them destroy any and all duct work up there. Walls contain pipes and electrical wire both of which are easily destroyed by them, not to mention the walls themselves.

You have two choices of eliminating this pest from your home, choose to trap and remove it yourself or hire a professional removal company. Raccoons do not like bright lights and noise so an easy to try solution to remove them from your home is make sure the attic is well lit and have a radio playing loudly. Often this may be enough disturbance to get it to leave your attic. You should try this method for a series of days up to a week if they have not left by then you will need to try another method.

Your next step can be to make the small in the air bad for them. Often online you will see repellents sold that promise or guarantee that the critter will leave once the product is used. These solutions usually consist of some form of moth balls which release an unpleasant scent in the air. The problem is modern attics are large and air circulates well in there allowing the critter to simply move to a more comfortable spot.

Traps can and do work but there are a number of different traps sold and they can be difficult to setup especially if there are a number of raccoons in your home. There are three main types of traps; the cage trap, the paw hold trap and the body grip traps. The main problem with traps comes from your state government, the body grip trap for example acts like a mouse trap the problem is in many states it is illegal to kill a raccoon. If you decide to use a trap carefully research it so you know what you are doing.

As soon as all do it yourself avenues have been explored you can always call a professional removal company. Hiring a professional will result in the identification and removal of all of the raccoons found in your home. Many times professionals are called in as a last resort or when there is an infestation. In both situations the costs for removal can be high.

Raccoon removal for a home owner can be difficult and time consuming. Self removal options for raccoons are few for the home owner and often come with varying degrees of success. As soon as raccoons are found in your home you should consult a professional to get an estimate. There can be no delay in their removal from your home or costly damage will the result.

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