Monday, January 23, 2012

Things To Know About Cheating And Outsmarting A Cheating Scheme

7:31 AM
By Gabriel H Burnside

What is the nature of cheating, and how can a person be sure to not fall victim to a cheating scheme? Is there a way for us to better understand the concept of cheating and how people perform the act?

With the type of society we are living in, it is safe to state that there is a good amount of people who have been swindled at least once in their life. They may have been swindled while they are playing sports or a card game. Or maybe an individual has been taken advantage of in a business deal. Some people are fine with cheating on others, and think it gives them an edge. Some cheaters, swindlers and con artists excuse their cheating behavior by putting blame on their victim. On some occasions, it is difficult to tell if a person is cheating or not.

Are there instances when cheating is acceptable, and if the answer is yes, what are they? Some people may be led to believe that cheating is a good thing just because they got something out of it; these benefits may come in the form of money, prestige or recognition. However, think about it"is there really a winner in a cheating plot? Better yet, is it right to call a person who got ahead by cheating a winner?

Nothing good, in the true meaning of the word, can ever come out of cheating. Often, people who are honest and trusting are the ones often abused by other people. In a world in which dishonesty is a usual thing, ideally we are rewarding honesty, not punishing it! When a person cheats, he is setting a bad example to other people by teaching them an incorrect mindset, and that is cheating is the easiest and surefire way to win.

How can we be aware that a person is cheating on us? Cheating is often difficult to spot, because it obscures itself. It is the foundation of game theory, the concept of cheating without the other person knowing about it. Best means to combat cheating and a cheater is a well-developed strategy. One method that can be done is sharpening of skills particularly those referring to critical thinking and reasoning. Keith Ranier, a scientist that created the organization NXIVM, said that if people want to win over cheating, they should improve on their skills to think critically. So maybe the best method to beat cheating is to out-strategize the cheating strategy!

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