Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Cursory Introduction To Asian New Years Rats

8:19 AM
By Steve Chung

The rat holds a special place in Chinese tradition. Find out about the Chinese New Year of the rat and why it is considered to be so special.

People wouldn't happily receive any associations made with the rat in particular because it is an animal that is associated with filth,shadiness and small structure. Westerners wouldn't really go with getting linked to a rat. On the contrary, Chinese thinkers who are famous for their observational skills would completely prove you wrong and give a different character sketch of a rat.

Intelligence is an important the attributes of the rat. The Chinese philosophers have observed that the rat is not only hardworking but also extremely creative creatures who love absolutely like to control things. It has been realized that rat people go for perfection. These are but a few of their characteristic traits that have been analyzed.

According to the Chinese culture and traditions, each New Year has an animal allotted to it. Behind it are a long process and a legend that follows the assigning of such special animal symbols to the years. But as the lunar calendar goes, there are basically twelve animals that are repeated after every twelfth year.

The Chinese history records that the rat has a unique position in the ancient culture. History says that the twelve animals that are part of the cycle were made to participate in a race. All along the ox was leading the race. But little did he realize that the rat was on his back and so when he neared the finishing point, the rat jumped of his back and crossed the finishing line first!

So the whole animal story begins with the year of the rat. Hence when the year of the rat returns it is a very special occasion because it means that one whole cycle has been completed and a new one has just begun.

The rat is thus famous for his innovative persona and stewardship. The cunning animal is admired for its ability to dig through all sorts of trouble and find a way to achieve its purpose. Sharpness of mind is a key feature of the rat's personality.

On reading the character sketch drawn up by Chinese philosophers one would actually not feel that bad if one's personality was to be compared with the Chinese perception of the rat's personality traits. Nonetheless the idea is difficult to imbibe for the west because of their own traditional perception of the animal.

Compatibility issue is a different aspect which is quite mysterious with respect to the twelve animals of the 12-year cycle. The methodology that led to these connections made by the Chinese philosophers are quite unknown but they have devised certain conclusions as to which animal sign is compatible with which other animal and which is not.

Chinese philosophers say that the rat and monkey are well adjusted with each other. But where the information is derived from is a mystery. But still these are the popular beliefs in China. For centuries now, the New Year rat is regarded by the Chinese as a symbol of prosperity and protection.

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