Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Fascination Of Adventure Books

9:16 AM
By Richard Shaker

There is nothing quite like a good adventure story to keep you up at night. For generations, adventure books have influenced humanity and boys especially in remarkable ways. The most subtle of hints conjure images of buried treasure, magic carpets, long abandoned ruins, lost civilizations, and feats of terrible daring.

From the ancients to medieval societies to the modern age, humanity has long been fascinated with brave heroism and daring deeds. All the better if it includes some bravery, as well. The Odyssey and the Iliad would be in this genre, as would Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. There are many more that could be named.

The hunger for such tales has not lessened in modern times, from cowboys in the Old West to futuristic superheroes with incredible powers. After the outpouring of fictional literature in the 19th century, these and other similar variations have continued to make the genre immensely popular.

While most stories of this nature mean to go out and do something, the original Latin word that meant an arrival. From travels down a river to facing the bitter cold of the South Pole, all these tales require a steady heart that can face unknown outcomes and terrible risks. The reader cannot help be swept up int the story, hoping against hope that the character will make it out alive.

There is very seldom a shortage of volunteers to begin these expeditions, whether in a tale or real life. Humanity as a whole hungers to experience danger and perform great deeds that will live on for years. Though most of it is voluntary, the adventures can also be thrust upon our intrepid heroes. Most commonly, it involves the hero triumphing over some obstacle, evil or benign.

While this subgenre of literature has seen many changes over its long life, like sailing pirates to high tech espionage, it remains vibrant and entertaining. At least for the foreseeable future, humanity will continue to enjoy the labors of adventure books.

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