Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Ways To Invest Your Time Into Humanitarian Projects

4:07 AM
By Eva R. Wolfes

Have you ever witnessed a great consummation by someone, perhaps an athlete beating all odds, only to achieve the seemingly impossible? Wouldn't you love to understand precisely what they were experiencing at the moment they achieved their goal? When I think of things that I have done that have met goals I have made or someone else that has done the same, I feel a sense of complete happiness.

What makes executing our goals such an enthralling experience in our lives? Do we become better people when we reach these goals, does it help us reach new heights? Does viewing other people do amazing things show us that we can do similar things and instill a hope that one day we can or will get that place? Do we divulge feelings of happiness and joy with these events because they are so close to us?

If you hear about the Seagram empire, you might learn that the heiress of it is Sara Bronfman. With the knowledge to help with issues stemming from moral and humanitarian roots, she takes part in the Ethical Humanitarian Foundation, of which she is a trustee. There is more to life than just finances and she understands that to improve the bigger pictures, she has to start somewhere. What can this do for the universe? If so, what are they?

You can find an affiliation in the feelings you go through with the goals that others achieve? If you see someone else accomplish it, it just shows that you could do the same. In the event that we feel close to an achievement someone else does, it makes us see how adept we are at doing the same thing? How many times have world records been conquered, only be the reset time and again, over and over?

When there is an opportunity to advance in all areas of goals, doesn't it make sense to put these efforts to good use through humanitarian projects? Gathering a large accumulation of people to establish the same belief, would mean that these efforts could, indeed, make a change in the world's humanitarian outlook. For instance, what would the world be like if suddenly half of the population was inspired to do their best? How would that influence the world, one person and interaction at a time? Further, what would it take for such a positive adjustment to happen?

We, as a society, can change through ethical ways of thinking in the way we go about reaching our goals. Why? Because ethics are the moral code by which people make their day-to-day choices. Ethics can either leave a person standing in still water or help get them to different levels of success. Lives can change for the best if people are submerged in a great ethical background. Each time a person steps above the norm, they put the world at a whole new standard of success. New feats open abounding possibility. Every time someone takes a step up, we are inspired to continue going forward. If we can believe it, we can achieve it. It makes sense that contributing to human potential and humanitarian efforts is a wise investment indeed.

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