Monday, November 21, 2011

Humanities Degrees Offer Depth of Knowledge to Globally Aware Students

10:34 AM
By Adam J Bradley

With today's emphasis on the sciences, it seems that many humanities programs are going by the wayside. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, many colleges consider their humanities programs as part of the social sciences field.

Humanities degrees can, however, prove valuable beyond areas with which they're traditionally associated, some say. These degrees, a part of the liberal arts, offer opportunities to study a wide array of topics, such as history, languages, philosophy, culture, religion, English and archaeology. They might lead to careers in social services, business and education or, when part of an arts and humanities degree, to journalism, public relations and broadcasting.

Many may wonder if it seems like an over exaggeration to describe humanities as one of the most well-rounded majors to earn a degree in. An undergraduate degree will provide students with an initiation into arts, literature and culture from past to the present day. A degree in humanities is one of the most flexible degrees anyone can major in.

In Pullman, Wash., one university offers a humanities degree that it says is the only one in the state. Humanities degrees at this particular institution include classes related to women's and ethnic studies that the university website notes can help students understand a global culture from multiple perspectives. At a college in Oregon, students working toward a bachelor's degree in arts and humanities might major in art and visual culture, modern languages, theatre and communication arts and music.

Many humanities degrees earned at schools online help students who know they have an interest in the arts build their foundational knowledge. Many students are passionate about art, but they can make their humanities degree focus on classical studies. A humanities degree with this direction helps students learn about Ancient Greek and Roman visual and performing arts, as well as literature and culture - all of which have thoroughly affected art and society through the ages.

Often, humanities degree programs involve a great deal of discussion on various topics, even in an online learning environment. Students will be asked to read and discuss numerous topics, from politics to philosophy and more. Students will develop a range of skills in communication, from oral presentation to written thesis work.

This degree can prepare students for a number of different career fields. It is very common for these students to seek advanced degrees after they receive their bachelor degree. For example, many English degree graduates move on to law school, because they are well prepared for the great amounts of reading and writing they will have to do in law school.

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