Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The National Banner Of Liberia

5:44 AM
By Daniel Oudin

I have a special interesting in the Liberian flag. Liberia, for example, is a state located in Africa. The "American Colonization Society" very first settled it back in the 1800's. The country was in fact established to provide a new home for freed slaves, interestingly, who wished to return back to Africa from different other parts of the world.

Liberia became an independent country in 1847 and started hoisting an ensign from their respective flag poles that looked very similar to our Old Glory. Unlike the thirteen stripes on the U.S. national flag, the Liberian flag features eleven stripes, representing the eleven men who signed Liberia's declaration of independence. Also, and unlike the 50 stars on our national flag, the Liberian national ensign displays one five-pointed star on a blue field in the canton.

It does not come as a surprise that Liberia's government is modeled after the government of the United States of America. The republic's president serves as the head of the Liberian government and is also considered the commander-in-chief of the country's military forces. A new president is elected every six years.

Neighboring Sierra Leone flies an ensign from flagpoles that is very much different. This flag was flown for the very first time on the day the country was declared independent, on April 27, 1961. Unlike the Liberian flag, this ensign is a tricolor that features the colored green, white and blue. Tricolors type ensigns are a popular flag-design used by countries around the world today, including a good number of European republics.

Even though the republic has been around for a while, the country did not see much modernization till the 1940's, following substantial investments by the United States of America, during the Second World War. The republic was in fact a founding member of the United Nations. It has experienced a fair share of economical and political instability for a good number of years, unfortunately. Liberia did experience some growth some years ago, but the economy started declining as a result of bad economic management following the '80's coup.

Counting nearly three and a half million people in '08, most of these folks lived in Montserrado County, which is also home to the country's capital of Monrovia. Different industries have brought income to Liberians and include rubber plantations and offshore oil. The maritime industry has also provided the republic with additional economic support.

The national flag became recognized as such back in 1847. In or during the years before independence was granted to Liberia, a similar flag-design was maintained that featured a white cross instead of a white star, in the canton of the ensign. The cross was exchanged for the star during the events of 1847. Ever since the national ensign of the republic has remained unchanged. The Liberian flag for use with residential flagpoles is commonly made for sale by resellers throughout the nation.

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