Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Two Year Acting Programs in NYC - Finding Meaning and Truth as an Actor

8:12 AM
By Maggie Flanigan

Two year acting programs are commonly known as the conservatory approach. These two year programs are targeted towards professional actors who recognize their need for continual study and improvement. For centuries, aspiring fine art professionals have sought apprenticeships from trained masters. A two year program is a wonderful choice for both new as well as experienced actors who wish to correct their weaknesses and enhance their career.

Any successful actor must realize that they can never know everything. Years of training are the only way to become a "natural" actor. Great strength and dedication is required of actors who decide to focus years of their lives solely to improving in their art. Two year acting programs can make all the difference between being just an "hobby" actor and a professional.

The Meisner technique fits in quite nicely to two year acting programs. This method is a sequential one, meaning that the students first learn basics and then build their skill sets from there. Similar to military training, Meisner training can feel like boot camp. An essential part of the training is the breaking down and analysis of each student's personality and identity.

The goal of military training is to repurpose the soldier's identity around the military. These programs draw actors out of themselves so that they are better able to analyze their thoughts and beliefs. Actors are then better able to control their own emotions and become one with their portrayed character.

There is no such thing as a person who is not at least partly controlled by compulsions, emotions, and desires. These qualities can be both an advantage as well as a disadvantage to actors. Being aware of these personal characteristics is essential to being an successful actor.

It is all too common for actors to develop poor habits. In short classes, actors might be able to partially address these habits. In contrast, two year programs give actors the time and opportunity to completely address these issues and form better habits. Correcting bad habits and forming new ones is not an easy chore and doing so requires that the actors make themselves vulnerable and truly bare their souls and true personalities. Attending a two year acting program helps actors to better understand themselves so that they are well equipped to portray their characters and bring them to life on stage or on screen. If an actor finds himself suffering from less-than-desirable habits, two year programs are a great way to correct these issues with the result being a professional actor secure in himself and behaviors and ready for any sort of role.

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