Monday, December 5, 2011

Acting Classes with Personal Attention - Two Year Acting Program in NYC

9:24 AM
By Maggie Flanigan

The only real way to master the art of acting is to attend a two year acting program in NYC. These two year programs provide the student with intense training designed to instill actors with the skills necessary to become successful actors in New York.

For those looking to begin their career, these programs are an excellent choice as they provide aspiring actors with integral skills. Conservatories can also provide experienced students with the opportunity to correct their problem areas. Learning to act requires a certain amount of vulnerability on the part of the student. Two year programs are also able to help the student actor grow as a person along with improving his or her technique as an actor.

Two year programs can provide student actors with a safe place to learn their art. There is no comparison between the two year program and the far less effective short-term programs. Developing integral relationships with professional actors is a key benefit to two year programs.

Research has shown that the size of the class has a significant impact on the usefulness of the class with smaller classes being far more effective than larger groups. Classes that are significantly larger remove the one-on-one attention that many students require. These long-term programs allow students to gradually develop their skill and improve upon their weaknesses so as to produce a more well-rounded and talented actor.

For actors who desire to learn the famous Meisner method, attending a two year program is absolutely necessary. The Meisner method consists of gradually learning skills, from the most simple to the more complicated, particularly in terms of theater. The Meisner technique is far from simple and requires that students delve into both the psychological and emotional components of their character as well as the physical portrayal of the personality. Only a two year program is able to cover all of these necessary areas of study and also provides student actors with the opportunity to utilize these skills in a classroom setting.

Attending two year programs as opposed to short-term classes shows that you are dedicated to your craft and are willing to commit yourself to a intense training regimen and continually improve yourself. Many individuals wish to learn to act as a hobby and short-term classes may be adequate for these students. On the other hand, students who wish to become professional actors should certainly take advantage of two year programs as they are better able to instill a wide gamut of necessary skills in student actors.

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