Monday, December 26, 2011

A Humanities Degree May Be Most Useful In The Field Of Business

1:39 PM
By Anthony Jones

The National Endowment for the Humanities, also known as NEH, is the US federal government's independent agency which was established under the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965.

Currently, NEH is primarily liable for supporting research studies, education opportunities, preservation, and public programs in field of humanities.

For starters, Humanities majors are good with people, perhaps because they appreciate people more. Though you may think it's all about money, business is actually a field that revolves around people, networking, and communications. Humanities majors, especially those in the social sciences, have better understanding and appreciation of how people tick. They will likely treat both their employees and clients with dignity, and they'll have an easier time relating to others socially, even strangers.

The goal of the National Digital Newspaper Program is to crate a national digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between the years 1836 and 1922, from all of the States and its territories.

Good writing skills are also a characteristic of most Humanities majors, because these degree programs are writing intensive. Writing is extremely important in the field of business, as effective communication is what makes a business run smoothly. While a typical Business degree program may not focus much on writing, Humanities students will have had years of experience crafting arguments and honing points, making them all the more valuable in the workforce.

Finally, Humanities majors solve problems creatively. A Humanities degree is valuable because it doesn't just teach students a set of standard facts. Rather, a Humanities degree teaches students how to think. Knowing how to think innovatively and with flexibility is not just a hallmark of a successful Humanities student; it is integral for business professionals as well.

Careers in the Humanities So what will you do with your new insight and knowledge? Well, you can find work that is relevant to your area of focus. Someone who has studied theatre might choose to be involved in production. A music major may choose to perform or teach. There are many options depending on your specialty area.

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