Saturday, December 3, 2011

Roofing Is What Keeps Your Home Dry

8:20 AM
By Adriana Noton

Roofing is what keeps your home dry. There are a wide variety of structures and the materials that are used in this application. The two major classifications of buildings is flat and steep. Then the product that cover these are based upon these classifications. Contractors usually specialize in one of these two areas. This helps to ensure that expertise is assured in all areas.

The distinguishing characteristic of a flat roof is that it usually doesn't allow the water to freely run off the building. There is no slope to these roofs. The materials that are usually installed in this situation is rubber or tar and gravel. Roofers usually specialize in the installation of these products.

The most economical choice provided for these types of applications is tar and gravel. The cost of this material is the cheapest of any product on the market. If you have this installed, it consists of hot tar coating felt paper. Gravel provides a finishing coating which prevents damage from the rays of the sun.

Rubber is another material that is often chosen for this application. Many benefits can be reaped from the installation of this product. It is a very high quality product and is known to last for a long time. When it's properly installed no problems are to be seen for several years. It can be applied with glue or torched down.

Steep roofs are generally found in residential architectural styles. The pitch may vary but all of these allow water to readily flow off the top of the structure. Some of the materials that are used in these applications include cedar shakes, asphalt shingles and metal products.

Cedar shakes are known for their rustic look, and they last for quite a long time. This product is rather expensive, and its application is usually labor intensive. For these reasons, it is often used in high end installations. It is a good looking and quality product that is known to last for several years. Many neighborhoods have statutes that make this the only material that can be installed.

Other consumers choose to purchase and install asphalt shingles. They are known as an economical alternative to cedar. Some styles look just like shakes, and a variety of colors can be installed. You can choose from many styles and colors to get the look you desire. Professionals can provide timely and trouble free installation.

Other people opt for a traditional look with metal panels. Colors come in the entire spectrum if you choose this material. Manufacturer warranties usually come in the 20 year range. This is a middle of the road product as far as price is concerned. This product provides for a durable and long lasting installation. Many homeowners fall in love with the sound of rain falling softly on these panels.

What you should know about roofing will enable you to make an informed decision. Many products and installers are available on the market. No matter what look you're trying to achieve, you'll be able to find something to complement your home's exterior. Professional installers work with these products every day, and they can ensure that you have it reliably installed on your home or other building.

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