Friday, December 23, 2011

Science Fiction And Fantasy Books And How They Differ

3:50 PM
By Lynette Holcomb

In today's society there are several publications available for sale online or in retail bookstores. There are biographies about celebrities and important figures in history. There are historical nonfiction publications that cover the span of human history. This article talks about the differences and similarities between science fiction and fantasy books.

Science fiction generally encompasses places and story lines about things far away, or just outside our current technological reach. General settings might include other planets, other galaxies, or the distant future. Stories within this genre usually include space ships, travelling across galaxies, and futuristic weapons.

Because the timeline of these stories is usually set in the future, the plots will revolve around some sort of perceived future conflict as well. For example, an author might write about a possible future dystopian world with corrupt leaders. They might even write about aliens coming and enslaving the human race.

Sci-fi and fantasy are similar in that both genres are completely fictional. While the first predicts something could happen in the future, the second describes a world that could never actually exist. For example, a writer might write about mythical beasts, creatures, and gods.

Both genres also have several similarities. Both of them include the exploration of differing realities. Both can also explore different philosophical ideas while still exploring a fictional world.

Science fiction and fantasy books have a lot in common but are also different in many ways. The first can include plots about alien warfare and events on other planets. The second has beautiful and mythical creatures that don't exist in our world, like unicorns, dragons, and gargoyles. Though they are fundamentally very similar, explore both genres and see which one you like reading the best! Have fun.

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