Thursday, December 1, 2011

Two Year Acting Conservatory - Breaking Down Belief Systems

1:20 PM
By Maggie Flanigan

If you are looking to become a successful and accomplished actor, look no further than a two year acting program in NYC. Two year programs are dedicated to providing students with the skills that they require to stand apart from the many aspiring actors that come to NYC yearly.

For students new to the world of theater and television, these programs are by far the best way to acquire integral skills. Even for those who are more experienced, a conservatory can help students to target their problem areas and improve. The process of learning how to act requires that the student make himself or herself vulnerable to others which requires an trusting environment of learning. Personal growth is another essential component of attending two year programs in NYC.

New York two year programs are an ideal choice for those looking for a safe and secure place to learn their craft. There is no comparison between the two year program and the far less effective short-term programs. Developing integral relationships with professional actors is a key benefit to two year programs.

Research has shown that the size of the class has a significant impact on the usefulness of the class with smaller classes being far more effective than larger groups. Smaller classes allow for teachers to provide each student with more individual attention. Programs that are designed to cover a continuous two year period provide actors with the opportunity to thoroughly learn the skills that they will require to set themselves apart from the crowd of other aspiring actors.

For actors who desire to learn the famous Meisner method, attending a two year program is absolutely necessary. When learning the Meisner technique, students begin by learning the basic skills and then gradually learn far more complex skills until they have mastered the method. Learning the Meisner technique requires both time as well as dedication with students being responsible for mastering not only the physical portrayal of their character but their emotions as well. Only a two year program is able to cover all of these necessary areas of study and also provides student actors with the opportunity to utilize these skills in a classroom setting.

Attending two year programs as opposed to short-term classes shows that you are dedicated to your craft and are willing to commit yourself to a intense training regimen and continually improve yourself. Many individuals wish to learn to act as a hobby and short-term classes may be adequate for these students. However, a two year acting program is really the only way to go for students who are interested in becoming professional actors and making a career out of their craft.

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