Sunday, November 13, 2011

How You Can Add a Garden to Your Next Landscaping Project

8:54 AM
By Berky Frigyes

It is usually appealing to design your own landscape, and it can be quite a challenge, too. If that sounds interesting to you, here are some things to start thinking about.

Above all, planning the structure must be your first step. You will find a lot of material you'll need before making any final decisions about what your design will include. You have to carefully look at whether to feature stuff like a pond, walkways and a deck or patio. There are also many distinct kinds of trees, flowers, or plants to choose from. To help with your planning, grab a few landscaping magazines, and look online for books and articles. Ultimately, this research will all be worthwhile, because you'll have a finished project that is beautiful, and you were spared time, money and frustration.

Once you've completed your research and setting up, you will want to get started on your landscape design. One of the best ways to get started is to construct a scale model using exact measurements. Look online and you'll discover all kinds of guides describing how to do this, most of which are free. It is possible to begin simply by using a layout pad to position the different elements you want where you want them; you can fiddle with this to your heart's content. Now everything is only in writing, so experimentation is a good idea. And do not forget the seasonal component of things - you want to make sure your design will look good all year round. One more significant factor in your design is usually that the landscape should be as free of maintenance as possible.

Many people have a problem visualizing what their landscape should look like when it is finished, and that's where a landscape design software program comes in handy. You'll be able to see virtual images of what things will look like, and switch things around as much as you want, 'til you're satisfied. You are able to utilize a photo of your home, which is imported into the software, and the software then designs the landscape around the photo. Additionally, most landscaping software programs offer advice on component placements. You are able to verify what details will look like as time passes and things grow. This can help you know what your landscape will eventually look like, should you want to make some changes.

Obviously, although some people do not want a garden, most of us choose to make one the center of attention in our design. Location of a garden or gardens is completely up to you - just make sure everything works out well together. This may suggest tucking your garden away so that it's like a hidden gem. When gardening is something you like to do, make sure that you don't overlook all of the possibilities in designing your garden.

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