Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Effective Ways Of Raccoon Removal

1:41 PM
By Adriana Noton

As human beings encroach upon what remaining wilderness or open space we still have, we see more and more wild animals in our neighborhoods and even our homes. Skunks, opossums, and raccoons are known to nest in places other than their natural habitats. These animals have become desensitized to humans and therefore have little remaining fear. Raccoon removal is vital to keep them from spreading disease or destroying property. They may decided to live in a chimney, an attic or crawlspace.

Raccoons are most known for invading trash cans but they also can find their way into attics through open soffits or by tearing open a soffit themselves. Vents are another way they can gain access, and if they want in bad enough they are known to tear holes in walls. Raccoons will also take pet food that is left outside or come through a pet door. They will also steal birdseed from feeders and even defecate in outdoor swimming pools.

These animals can also carry diseases, such as distemper and rabies, both of which can be spread to pets. Raccoon feces can have spores from a particular type of roundworm exclusive to raccoons; this can make humans very ill.

Raccoons should be removed from a residence as soon as their presence is discovered. They may cause a large amount of destruction in a short amount of time, ruining insulation and fouling the area with feces. Pets may also be disturbed by their presence. There are several different ways to successfully remove and relocate a raccoon.

The simplest way is to try and get the animal to leave. Put away any pets and keep small children restrained. Open windows and doors to give the animal different ways of escape. Steering them the right way with a broom may be necessary. An upset animal may defend itself, so use caution.

Another way of capturing a raccoon is using a snare pole. These are often used by animal control professionals. However, you must be a little stronger and faster than the raccoon for it to be successful. If the animal will not leave or cannot be captured with a snare pole, a humane trap may be the best choice.

It may not be legal to trap or trap and release raccoons where you live, so it is important to check local laws first. In these cases, it may be mandatory to call an animal control unit or hire a professional wild animal removal service. Humane traps can be purchased or sometimes borrowed from some animal control offices.

The trap should be baited with something raccoons love, such as marshmallows or white bread. Check the trap periodically, to avoid stressing out the animal further due to inclement weather and to be sure you have not trapped a cat, skunk, or other animal. Once trapped, the raccoon must be taken ten miles away or more, to keep it from returning.

A professional wild animal removal company may need to be hired in certain cases. Sometimes, the raccoons may have babies and may be harder to remove. Whatever the animals found so interesting to begin with needs to be fixed or removed, or the raccoon removal may not be successful, and other animals may invade the same space in the future.

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