Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Commercial Acting Class

5:50 AM
By Maggie Flanigan

The Meisner technique has proven itself to be highly effective in preparing actors for commercials. Due to the fact that the commercial industry is incredibly quick paced, actors have to be able to immediately adopt the required persona during an audition in order to land the role.

Actors who are trained in the Meisner technique acquire necessary commercial acting techniques including the ability to spontaneously "create" their character. This allows the commercial actor to create a thoroughly realistic performance.

There are other commercial acting techniques that must be learned as well. On-camera skills is one such area of emphasis. Because the commercial requires a character to come to life in a short period of time, learning how to work with the camera correctly is essential. In addition, the actor must also interact with a third party or the "product" that they are selling.

Product placement is another essential skill that actors must acquire during a commercial acting workshop. Although these skills may seem unimportant, they are essential when it comes to setting you apart from other commercial actors.

Selecting the right actor for a commercial is absolutely essential to all involved including agency executives, casting agents, and producers. Being successful in the realm of commercials also requires expert interpersonal skills.

Being 100% ready to be in front of a camera at all times is another integral skill. As is the case with other types of acting, improvisation is key as well. Despite the fact that commercials are scripted, the roles typically call for more on-the-spot actor improvisation. Some actors are able to take the roles they are given and impart them with personalities that even the producers did not anticipate.

Commercial actors must also be very much aware of the objective of the commercial. Naive actors all too often focus on convincing other people. If this is the case, the result will always be fake. The purpose of a commercial is to bring a character to life who truly believes in the product. When the character believes, only then will the audience believe. Depending on the commercial, the actor may need to portray someone who has neglected to use the product and has consequently lost out. Being prepared for both types of characters is essential.

Other skills that are required include: Learning how to interact with products as well as how to use stereotypes. Framing, the formation of storyboards, how to highlight products, triangular technique, how to create certain characters, and scooping. Commercial actors must also learn to treat the camera as another actor and interact with it accordingly.

The best actors know that they have never learned all there is to know. The commercial actors who remain dedicated to their work are the ones will gain the experience necessary to become truly successful.

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