Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Six Little Known Environmentally Friendly Roofing Tips

2:26 PM
By Adriana Noton

The most sustainable roofing materials should ensure that your house is energy efficient, preserve moisture need minimal maintenance. There are few materials that fulfill the three criteria and it is a good idea to examine each for merits before settling on a choice. Although it may be costly to procure these materials to begin with, the costs they will save you in the long run will be worth every penny you spent in acquiring them.

The most suitable choices will depend on the location of the house being roofed. This f means that those who live under hot climatic conditions should opt for materials that are highly reflective. Heat absorbing materials are more ideal for houses located in much cooler climates.

Homeowners will also need to pay due regard to the durability of the materials they opt for. A deliberate choice that discriminates against materials that do not undergo frequent tear and wear will be called for in that case. While there is every likelihood that durability is almost always accompanied by dear prices, this will prove immaterial in the long run due to the costs it will save the owner.

The green intentions of any homeowner will also be given a big boost by considering materials made from recycled components. This is important because of two major concerns: affordability and environmental suitability. But one needs to take care that they do not opt for recycled roofing just for the sake of it. If the materials are not suitably durable, the benefits will be wiped off soon. It is also necessary to ensurer that the materials do not contain anything that might be considered biohazardous for instance lead or asbestos.

It will serve your purposes to when you check on the terms of the warranty given with any materials that you opt for in setting up your roof. There are two key factors to consider in this regard. The first is the period of the warranty: the longer it is, the better the assurance for you as a homeowner. It is also worth checking details about what is guaranteed in the agreement. Some providers guarantee replacement of faulty sections while others restrict themselves to repairs and maintenance.

Many users find some materials irresistible when it comes to sustainable roofing and this is not without justification. Terra cotta or clay tiles are special favorites mainly due to their attractiveness as well as durability. Slate is even more durable than terra cotta but a bit more rare. The main undoing of these natural materials is that they are costly and heavy and where they have to be shipped for long distances, the associated costs might be too much to bear for ordinary homeowners.

For those homeowners who pride themselves as being dyed in the wool greens; there is a trend that is catching on where one can have a literally green roof on their homes. Whimsically referred to as "living roofs", they are usually flat or gently sloped roofs entirely covered by vegetation. Grass is a universal favorite when it comes to these versions but other small plants can be used. There will be a growth medium on which the vegetation is planted underlain by some waterproof material.

Both owners of old homes and new ones have to give adequate consideration to the issue of sustainability when opting for a material do roof or re-roof their houses. Where such a material needs to be affordable as well, this can turn into a veritable dilemma. It is for this reason that this detailed guide on suitable roofing ideas will prove an adequate resource for those seeking answers.

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