Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Succinct Guide To Chinese New Years Crafts

6:22 AM
By Steve Chung

Come let us know how the Chinese display their creativity through art work and handicrafts to welcome the New Year.

The Chinese have been making use of the lunar calendar for centuries. There are many important days in the Chinese calendar but maybe there is no event more popular and important for the Chinese as is the Chinese New Year.

Clearly, the Chinese New Year does not fall on the first of January. Cycle of the moon plays an important role in confirming the date of the New Year thus we find that it is a date totally different from Gregorian calendar dependent on the sun.

The Chinese New Year is a unique festive time for the Chinese people. The festive spirit of the people then are very high and during the whole season, lots of celebrations and happenings are seen on the streets of China. While having these celebrations, the Chinese have developed many traditions like making New Year crafts to welcome the New Year.

Amongst the various celebrations with feasts and firecrackers there is also Chinese New Year crafts which are certainly a colorful addition to this festivity. They are a ideal example of the creativity and talent of the Chinese people.

The celebrations during the New Year festival includes fireworks display, the sharing of gifts and also the lantern festival. All days during this season also have their own exhibition of Chinese crafts that represent the feature of the event and these objects sell out completely and quickly during these days of the festival.

All New Years in China is represented by an animal symbol, naturally the Chinese New Year crafts too represent the animal in all their crafts. This practice has some useful purposes in Chinese society.

First of all it is a means of keeping this ancient tradition alive. Secondly you have all sorts of artists and craftsmen getting a chance to unleash their creativity along with which they have a great market to make their projects commercially worthwhile during the season.

The most practical quality of the Chinese New Years craft is that they make wonderful New Year presents which the Chinese give to each other. Another great purpose that they serve is the animal crafts which are gifted to the people who were born in the current animal year.

The New Year crafts are not just restrictedto the use of the animal of the year. Rather there is a wide range of crafts that are specifically prepared for this time of the year. There is a very innovative and interesting collection of fireworks that is considered to be part of the New Year crafts.

You will find a special range of craft during Chinese New Year in form of lanterns. The Chinese are heavily into fortune predictions and various crafts pertaining to it are sold in the markets. There are also a separate set of craft objects that are made especially for the kids during the New Year.

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